Inadequate example: Effective clinical care, communication

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

Key question: effective?

Population group: All groups

This example relates to Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) E4: How well do staff and services work together to deliver effective care and treatment?

When we inspected

The practice did not have a policy outlining the responsibilities of all relevant staff in relation to issues arising from communications with other care providers on the day they are received. There was evidence of instances within the last year where results or discharge summaries were not followed up appropriately for several months.

The practice did not have a document management tool in place as the licence had not been renewed.

Why this is inadequate?

This practice has no policy in place to ensure relevant communications concerning patients are reviewed and actioned in an appropriate manner.  This poses a risk to patients as important information related to their care and/or risks to their health or others may not be acted on in a timely manner.

Information and guidance